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General and Professional Education
3/2018 pp. 45-51

Inżynieria i gospodarka wodna jako nowy interdyscyplinarny kierunek kształcenia

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In Poland, there is a noticeable increase in the number of higher education institutions educating management personnel in the new field of Engineering and Water Management. The initiative to establish a new, interdisciplinary field of study was a response to numerous signals from central and local government administration and employers notifying the urgent need to educate staff responsible for the implementation of water management tasks in Poland. These studies train specialists in the field of water management ensuring a sustainable way to meet the water needs of residents, industry and agriculture as well as protection against flood and drought. Its curriculum ensures obtaining engineering competences taking into account not only developmental aspects, but also the need to maintain the ecosystem balance and satisfy social needs. The first university that has been educating in this field since 2011 is the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. Since then, other universities have followed a similar path i.e.: University of Agriculture in Krakow, University of Life Sciences in Poznań and Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The paper presents an analysis of the functioning and development of Engineering and Water Management at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań from the perspective of adapting its curriculum to the expectations of students and business environment. The analysis includes procedures related to the implementation of the university's education quality system. The results allow for assessing a new educational offer, which is to correspond primarily to the requirements of the labour market and changes in the organisational structure of water management in Poland.

Key words

high education, graduates, education quality, water management, engineering


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