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General and Professional Education
1/2018 pp. 21-25

Wczesna edukacja językowa w myśl konstruktywizmu

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Issues on early foreign languages teaching according to constructivism theory have been discussed in this article. It has been pointed out, what actions should be undertaken in order to support harmonious child development and stimulate both right hemisphere and left hemisphere mechanisms, remembering that structures responsible for using a foreign language are situated in the left hemisphere of the brain. An important conclusion for the teacher constructivist, referring to one’s work with a student, is individual, maverick approach to every student. It is important to motivate all students, look for their virtues, activate their talents, and all differences between students should be used joined in one aim. If the teacher acts and follows an extended curriculum in a schematic way, he will not succeed pedagogically and at the same time, the student will not be successful in acquiring knowledge.

Key words

motivation, cultural sensitivity, language competences, constructivism, language awareness


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