3/2017 pp. 7-10
Neuropedagogiczny charakter teorii pięciu umysłów przyszłości Howarda Gardnera
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The knowledge on how particular spheres of a brainwork and their influence on absorbing information and understanding of cognition features is now demanded from a teacher by the contemporary educational environment. On the basis of educational background and an appropriate attitude of adults here are five minds, that H. Gardner writes about, developing: disciplinary mind, synthesizing mind, creative mind, respecting mind and moral mind. So, carefully selected methods of educational – pedagogic work, cooperation atmosphere in a group, schedule adjusted to students’ individual needs and a way of motivating students are factors which can guarantee effective educational process if respected. Using innovative teaching methods, which are based on efficient usage of the whole brain capability and refer to students’ multi intelligence (Howard Gardner) contribute to the educational process being more productive. Adjusting learning to the neurological conditions of the educational process, student’s qualifications and intellectual capabilities is the future of education.
Key wordsneuropedagogy, limbic system, teacher – student relations, individual approach, creativity, development potential, minds of the future
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