3/2016 pp. 50-56
Wdrażanie i funkcjonowanie systemów zarządzania jakością w Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
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The article presents the reasons, the concept and the chronology of implementation of the quality management systems at the faculties and training centres of the Maritime University of Szczecin. Quality management systems are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001requirements. The structure of system documentation, links between the identified processes are described. The scopes of approval and date of original approval are presented in a tabular form. Issues related to the proper functioning are presented and the most important aspects in implementing the system in the university are identified. A brief financial analysis is conducted, covering a three-year period of operation of the systems including the renewal audit and two control audits at the faculties and all training centres.
Key wordsquality system, ISO 9001, higher education, STCW, cost of quality
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