3/2016 pp. 11-21
Krótkie komunikaty multimedialne w procesie nabywania wiedzy proceduralnej
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In the course of research conducted at the Department of Media and Information Technology, it was established that contemporary students’ cognitive preferences are directed towards the use of short multimedia messages. This information was considered while developing new instructions for laboratory tasks. The implementation of these materials was associated with an increase in the pace and quality of work. The new solutions were also verified in the course of e-learning classes. The best results were obtained when procedures, which were presented by means of multimedia, were simultaneously applied in practice in the course of execution of students’ projects. Much worse results were observed when students prepared for practical tests on their own. In this paper, research findings will be presented in an attempt to explain these discrepancies.
Key wordse-learning, blended learning, multimedia, ICT, cognitive preferences, teaching and learning methods, short multimedia messages
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