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General and Professional Education
1/2015 pp. 37-43

Учебный спецкурс как основа формирования медиакультуры на образовательно-квалификационном уровне «специалист» – «магистр»

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The third stage of the forming phase of experimental research which was based on the implementation of special course “Mediaculture” is described in the paper. The course has three content modules and covers basic notions such as: mediaeducation, mediaculture, mediatext. The special course is based on lingvodidactical methods: explanatory and illustrative, method of presentation of the problem, partial search, research. Within the framework of special course all types of teaching work are considered: lecture, practical work and seminars. Within the credit and module education in the structure of special course self-contained and individual kinds of work, which cover 40% of all amount of special course programme are represented. The aim of the special course is teaching future specialists in the field of applied linguistics the critical perception of information and mechanisms and protective skills from harmful information and development of skills and abilities of working with mediatexts and analyzing them.

Key words

mediaculture, mediaeducation, mediatext, special course, forming phase


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