4/2013 pp. 34-38
Plagiat plagą środowisk akademickich
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The definition of the word "plagiarism" is presented. Negative traits of plagiarism are characterized. On the basis of the existing legal documents in Polish law the range of intellectual property protection in reference to academic papers is quoted. The responsibility of the administrative and disciplinary higher school units in relation to students and faculty in situations of assigning other people's creation elements to oneself (plagiarism) is discussed.
Key wordsprotection of intellectual property, plagiarism
References1. Słownik języka polskiego (http://sjp.pwn.pl/) (dostęp 3.10.2013).
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3. Grzeszak T., VII nie kradnij – plagiat, (http://www.uw.edu.pl/ogloszenia/plagiat2.html) (dostęp 07.10.2013).
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