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General and Professional Education
3/2013 pp. 31-33

Лингводидактические принципы обучения языку специальности будущих регионоведов на факультете евразии и востока

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The paper considers three fundamental lingvodidactic principles that play an essential role in the process of teaching the language for professional communication for students in region study. The paper describes the principle of professional orientation, which takes into consideration the students’ professional interests at the English lessons; the principle of inter-subject coordination, which is implemented by means of close collaboration of the profile chairs; the principle of communicative orientation, which presupposes an intensive creative and communicative activity of the students at each lesson, their participation in all sorts of communicative tasks such as dialogues, polylogues, business games, etc. Each principle is minutely described and methodically explained.

Key words

lingvodidactic, lingvodidactic principles, the language for professional communication


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4. Шкодич Л. Общеевропейская шкала уровней владения иностранным языком как основа языкового и индивидуально-личностного развития студентов российских технических вузов. General and Professional Education, 1/2011, С. 57-61.

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