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General and Professional Education
2/2018 pp. 25-31

Edukacja ekologiczna wobec wyzwań gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym

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The article presents pilot results of surveys conducted among students of selected three higher educational facilities in Poland. The questions concerned general issues related to municipal waste management, packaging waste recycling and students’ preferences regarding the future of circular economy (pol. GOZ - gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym). The analysis of the answers allowed the authors of the article to define the factors indirectly determining the increase or decrease in the effectiveness of municipal waste management. The attention was drawn to large deficiencies in students' general knowledge of waste management. The lack of interest of the respondents to the issues of GOZ which is associated with their awareness and current environmental education is disturbing. Unfortunately, it has a significant impact on the later attitude in adulthood.

Key words

sustainable development, circular economy, recycling, cleaner technologies


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