4/2017 pp. 22-28
Charakterystyka procesu zarządzania ryzykiem operacji statkowych na przykładzie statku badawczo – szkolnego m/s Nawigator XXI
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The process of risk management during vessel operations was introduced by the International Maritime Organization into the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ship and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code), by MSC.273 (85) resolution to enhance the safety of the vessel and protection of the marine environment by identifying the risk, analysing and mitigating its effects. The need to implement risk management has enabled all parties involved into safety management system to systematically raise awareness about the factors that affected decision making in scope of vessel safety. The article characterizes the process of managing the risk of vessel operations on the example of solutions used on research - training vessel m/s Navigator XXI.
Key wordsrisk assessment, vessel, risk management, ISM Code, identification of hazards, risk mitigation
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