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General and Professional Education
3/2016 pp. 27-34

Wspomaganie procesu kształcenia w zakresie identyfikacji i analizy zagrożeń podczas eksploatacji statków

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An essential element of the ship's safe operation is the correct assessment of the threats that may occur and their effects. The article concerns the possibility of applying Survey Simulator in the teaching process about the threat's identification and the analysis during the exploitation of ships. Its main goal is to present the concept of the marine staff educational process, which will increase the level of awareness in the context of responsibility for the technical condition of the ship and the safety of the crew. The article describes the basic threats that may exist during operation and their classification. Then the role and importance of Survey Simulator in the educational process is presented. The last part of the article presents the use of the simulator to identify threats in the educational process. In addition, it describes the main threats to the people staying in the area of bulk carrier.

Key words

exploitation of ships, threats, learning process, ship's hull, safety, human factor, threats, accidents, damages


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