3/2016 pp. 3-10
Czy studenci korzystają z polskich repozytoriów uczelnianych w celach edukacyjnych – badania ankietowe
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This article presents the results of the survey on use the repositories by the polish students. The purpose was considered to look for answers to the questions whether the students use the repositories, if yes why and how, and if not, what is the reason of this. For this purpose the questionnaire consisting of the twelve questions was conducted. The results show that the most of the students does not use the repositories, or do not know about their existence. In the course of study, no one is talking about this, that they can use repositories. On the other hand, students who use repositories for educational purposes, generally well know how to use them. Through this research, it was discovered the educational gap that the students do not use a repositories because no one showed the students how to use them.
Key wordsrepositories, polish repositories, education, information technologies
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