2/2016 pp. 65-70
Skłonności do hipertrofii edukacyjnej przyczyną trudności w funkcjonowaniu społecznym współczesnej młodzieży
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Educational success becomes a value (knowledge penetration within chosen scientific discipline, competency) or social profit (financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit) more and more often. Nowadays, education is treated by young people as one of the components of the social prestige (educational success may become a “gate” to elite school, that can result in well-paid and socially prestigious job). This attitude is an evidence for changes in children and youth functioning, and reasons for that way of thinking are multifactorial. The omnipresent competitiveness becomes a social pressure nowadays, and it can result in actions which are overwhelming, as for example education can be such a thing. Increase of the intensity and frequency of the activities mentioned above, may effect in reduction of social activity, and difficulties in a daily life consequently. Research were conducted among young people, biologically talented, representatives of chosen European Union countries during the International Subject Olympiad. A research instrument, thanks to which a needed interpretative material was gained, was named the interpersonal stance scale SUI.
Key wordseducation, hypertrophy, social functioning, disorder
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