3/2015 pp. 3-11
Ошибки в Русской речи иностранных Тюркоговорящих студентов нефилологических вузов
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The paper shows that the comparison of sound systems of Russian and one of the Turkic languages allows to predict the occurrence of errors happening due to the phonetic, linguistic and methodical interference. Phonetic-rhythmic intonation errors in the speech of Turkic-speaking foreign students of philological universities are considered; the classification of typical errors caused by interference is given. Linguistic, methodological and other causes of errors in speech of students are identified. Influence on the formation of skills in writing is shown. Typical morphological and syntactic errors of Turkic-speaking students in the use of simple and complex sentences in a scientific style of speech are analyzed. The causes of these errors are given. The grammatical categories not existing in the mother tongue are presented as the primary difficulty for the Turkish-speaking foreign students of engineering profile.
Key wordsThe Russian language, the Turkic language, morphological and syntactic errors, phonetic errors, rhythmic intonation errors, interference, causes of errors, Turkic-speaking foreign students
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