4/2014 pp. 36-41
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The article presents a small piece of research, namely the observation of teaching and learning in the classroom, and students of various grades from kindergarten to post-graduate. Almost half of the article is a critique/discussion of the observation as method, social-semiotics as tools and presentation of indicators of trust in close relationships. Indicators of trust/confidence is safer to talk about than to claim that one has proven trust. The five sections of critique/discussion have gotten almost as much space as the sections on actual empirical data. A portion of the article is therefore a meta-text, text about the text that follows (the empiric part). In terms of social semiotics, both separate and complex utterances to document indicators of trust are used. There are expressions/utterances that show relationships, teamwork, respect, responsibility, honesty, openness, and more. These are factors that tell something about the quality of reciprocity between pupils/students and teachers. Positive reciprocity is important building blocks for a great atmosphere, and both reciprocity and atmosphere are compelling indicator of confidence.
Key wordstrust, indicators of trust, social-semiotic perspective, reciprocity
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