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General and Professional Education
2/2014 pp. 23-35

Stanowisko dydaktyczne doboru parametrów napędów energoelektronicznych

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The article describes issues related to the didactic status of the selection of parameters of power electronic drives, AC and DC. The paper presents the teaching equipment, designed and built by the author, with the help of which classes for students (electrical technicians, electronics technicians) and students of production engineering have been conducted for 15 years. The use of frequency converters, motors, motor shaft loading methods in the process of determining the characteristics of the motor is presented. The paper shows the selection, testing and verification of a set of drive parameters in terms of their compliance with the established way of working drive. It illustrates the hazards of improper selection of parameters. The article focuses on the guidance of teaching-learning the selection of parameters of power electronic drives.

Key words

didactic status, characteristic of the engine, electric motor, hydraulic brake, flywheel, tuning, electric drive, torque, frequency converter


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